Monday, July 12, 2010

limited for now

I'm finishing my third chocolate oatmeal and marichino cherry cookie of the morning thinking about how much there is to blog of the last week.  Things that I want to write about include getting a new adorable puppy, the beginning of summer with its mania-instilling weather and my fantastic birthday bbq that all happened this week.  We have had guests over including my best friend in the whole entire world Lauren who drove all the way up from Portland, and my fantastic photographer friend Melissa who drove out from Walla Walla.

I've been working on writing in detail about all of this and weaving it in articulately with a reminiscent story of a previous birthday.  However, I think that this is probably why more people don't write blogs, we are just too involved with enjoying the company around us and also keeping up with the obligations that maintain life that there just isn't any time left in the day to write eloquently or with intention.

So unfortunately, with these short sentences and the last ten minutes this is all that I have time to write about for now.  I will write with more detail when I have time.  In the meantime, I'll post a photo that makes my heart smile.  It's our friend Becky at my birthday bbq with our new puppy.

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